Failu yi ìnan̄a me Wikimedia Commons, môkọt ire si ibe ke ofifi porojet mêkisa ọmọ irọ inu.
Ikpakpa iwele kan̄ me akpọk mkpa-mwele eyi failu kan̄ ke ejeen̄ yi me irak.
icheche ikana – ichichibi, ichon mè iria inu yi isibi
igwugwugwa – inwenwene ubọk-ikwaan̄ yi itap me ike oweekbe
Mè ire ochieek irọrọ ikechi:
itọn̄ yi – Owu òkaan̄ inyinyi itọn̄ ògbegbe, inyi ugọbọ òkisi lek license ya, mè itumu si mè ìre mînwene inu geege. Owu môkọt irọ ikeya me oniin̄ geelek òsisibi inu, ire, karọ me oniin̄ òborọ ibe ebi ene ekekeek ebe ke ogwukaan̄ îrọ owu inye mè ìyaka ire ke îrọ inu owu osabe irọ inye.
che ikeya si – Ire okpọk igwugwa, inwene, mè ìre inen̄e inu yi isa irọ ofifi inu, owu òkaan̄ icheche inu ya orọbe igọọk me [[ccorg:share-your-work/licensing
-considerations/compatible-licenses|same or compatible license]] ike îrebe me eyi adasi ya.
As stated in the above license, you may freely use my photos as long you include the attribution text. These and other aspects of the license could be waived if you get prior consent from me. To discuss details, contact me by e-mail.
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