Failu yi ìnan̄a me Wikimedia Commons, môkọt ire si ibe ke ofifi porojet mêkisa ọmọ irọ inu.
Ikpakpa iwele kan̄ me akpọk mkpa-mwele eyi failu kan̄ ke ejeen̄ yi me irak.
This coat of arms image could be re-created using vector graphics as an SVG file. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is available, please upload it and afterwards replace this template with {{vector version available|new image name}}.
It is recommended to name the SVG file “Abia State Coat of Arms.svg”—then the template Vector version available (or Vva) does not need the new image name parameter.
Ike îkupbeAbia State Coat of Arms.gif
English: Abia State Coat of Arms
Ere înan̄abe
CRW flags
Ogwu ògege
State Government
Inyinyi unye
This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses:
Mînyi unye ichichibi, icheche mè/mè ìre inwenwene ekwu yi igọọk me lek nchieek GNU Free Documentation License, Òsolek 1.2 mè ìre eyi mgburudun̄ eyi Free Software Foundation egonbe; with no Invariant Sections, kpunu inu-nge eyi Isi ikpa, kpunu inu-nge eyi udun̄ ikpa. Mîtap copy of license yi me agan̄ ekigwen GNU Free Documentation License. Free Documentation Licensetruetrue
icheche ikana – ichichibi, ichon mè iria inu yi isibi
igwugwugwa – inwenwene ubọk-ikwaan̄ yi itap me ike oweekbe
Mè ire ochieek irọrọ ikechi:
itọn̄ yi – Owu òkaan̄ inyinyi itọn̄ ògbegbe, inyi ugọbọ òkisi lek license ya, mè itumu si mè ìre mînwene inu geege. Owu môkọt irọ ikeya me oniin̄ geelek òsisibi inu, ire, karọ me oniin̄ òborọ ibe ebi ene ekekeek ebe ke ogwukaan̄ îrọ owu inye mè ìyaka ire ke îrọ inu owu osabe irọ inye.
che ikeya si – Ire okpọk igwugwa, inwene, mè ìre inen̄e inu yi isa irọ ofifi inu, owu òkaan̄ icheche inu ya orọbe igọọk me [[ccorg:share-your-work/licensing
-considerations/compatible-licenses|same or compatible license]] ike îrebe me eyi adasi ya.